Routine Maintenance
“Half the time, what’s sold to us as restorative rest is really about making us sexier, skinnier or more appealing.”
A spin class or a yoga class can absolutely get us more in touch with our bodies, but they might miss out on that nurturing quality. A spa day can feel pampering, but the cost is prohibitive and it just gleams the surface.
As humans, we need quiet, nurturing time on a regular basis. Being still is challenging, especially at first, but you will find a wealth of goodness in those moments that seem empty at first. The benefits might not be visible, but felt in how you’re more centered in yourself and able to better meet life’s challenges.
Being human requires routine maintenance that’s hard to find time for in a society that glorifies constant productivity. While we have enjoyed an occasional Netflix binge as much as anyone, there’s a different need that we have to regularly respond to. We all need restorative rest, which is really quite different than ‘checking out’ rest. And, both are necessary! But while it’s commonly accepted to report you crushed three seasons of a television show over the weekend, we don’t spend a lot of time talking about or exploring what restorative rest might look like.